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APS membership offers networking and continuing education opportunities
- The Australian Prosthodontic Society Inc is recognized as the premier association within Australia for dental professionals interested in prosthetic dentistry. It has always been at the forefront of continuing education covering the entire spectrum of prosthodontics. Because its membership comprises general dentists, multidisciplinary dental specialists and specialist prosthodontists, continuing dental educational resources are maintained at a very high level. The APS offers the unique advantage of sharing and disseminating information on a national basis through state based branches as well as nationally sponsored conferences and lecture tours.
- The organization fosters the dissemination of relevant knowledge to all its members by its timely engaging with its membership regarding the requirements for updates and learning in all aspects of prosthodontics. The multidisciplinary make-up of the membership encourages dental professionals from the various specialties, as well as general practitioners, research academics and teaching professionals to come together in a learning experience that provides a refreshing opportunity for interdisciplinary learning.
Member Benefits
APS membership is structured so that dental professionals with different interests and backgrounds can enjoy the full benefits of membership. These benefits are designed to provide the highest quality continuing dental education programs within the broad sphere of prosthodontics. The APS provides additional opportunities that will enhance and aid in the development of young dental careers and practices.
Following are some of the many benefits you receive as a member of the Australian Prosthodontic Society:
- Continuing education opportunities sponsored by APS Inc State Branches
- National lecture tours sponsored by APS Inc
- National Conferences sponsored by APS Inc
- A personalized membership certificate for display in your office
- Networking opportunities with world-renowned interdisciplinary leaders
- Discounted subscription to The Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry (JPD) and its related online accessible resources
- Discounted membership fees for new and recent dental graduates
- Discounted membership fees for post-graduate students
- Discounted membership fees for Country members
- Annual Research Grant Program for APS members who are Post-Graduate Students. These Research Grants are funded by the APS Inc Education and Research Foundation
Membership Types:
Ordinary Membership – May be granted to a dentist who is resident in Australia and who maintains an active interest in the Study of Prosthodontics.
Student Membership – Post Graduate Students – may be accepted as student members on the recommendation of their sponsoring Branch and according to the conditions laid down by Federal Council from time to time.
Undergraduate Students – comprise an honorary membership category entitling ab initio students to attend Society programs at a fee to be set by the Council from time to time.
Retired Membership – May be granted by resolution of the Federal Council to any member who shall have been a member of the Society for no less than ten (10) years and who shall have retired from active practice.
Honorary Life Membership – May be awarded by the Society by resolution in General Meeting to any member who shall have rendered long or outstanding service to the Federal Society or its Branches.
Honorary Membership – May be awarded by the Society by resolution in General Meeting to any person who is not an Ordinary member of the Society who shall have rendered long or outstanding service in Prosthodontics.
Corresponding Membership – May be granted to a suitably qualified dentist residing outside Australia who maintains an active interest in Prosthodontics.